Karen's Blog

Let's take a walk through a brand new day.

Traveling is a Hassle!

I’ve been preparing for a trip this holiday and I’ve been reminded just how much work preparing for extended travel is!  Let’s just cut this commentary short and sweet and make a list:

  1. Decide on location where everyone has options for engagement
  2. Buy airline tickets or prepare car for travel
  3. If flying, research airline policies for carry-on luggage
  4. Book hotel rooms
  5. Book tickets for must have experiences
  6. Research the area for culinary and other delights
  7. Choose the clothes for all events
  8. Choose the shoes for comfort and to match the outfits
  9. Gather medicines needed for the family/self
  10. Gather toiletries needed
  11. Check passport expiration dates.  (OOPS!  Should have done that as #2!)
  12. Pay the bills that might accumulate while you are gone
  13. Stop the mail or work with a neighbor to gather the mail
  14. Get cash/credit/debit issues squared away.
  15. Get a pedi/mani
  16. Get a haircut/style
  17. Pack
  18. Take out half of what you packed
  19. Repack
  20. Breathe and GO!

So, why would anyone go through so much hassle to travel.  For me, it only takes one word….Memories.

Each year, Facebook reminds me of the places that I’ve traveled and of the wonderful friends and family who traveled with me. Sometimes it is a memory of a weekend trip with my husband, a fall getaway with my friends, a spring or winter adventure with my children or an adventurous trip that took hours and hours of planning and researching. No matter the memory, one thing remains constant. I never think about the inconveniences of travel when I’m looking at those pictures and the faces of the loved ones who travel with me. I only remember the joy!

I will always choose travel over “things”. Things fade away but memories last a lifetime. And, if by chance, I happen to forget a place or time…..my children can pull down the trusty photo albums and journals of which I have many.  And, if by chance, those are lost to flood or fire, they can open up a computer anywhere and retrieve my photos and journals. Memories…how they linger.

While you’re chatting around the fire with family and friends during this holiday season, why not plan to travel together to somewhere new and exciting?  After all, half the fun of traveling is in the planning! 😉

Happy Holidays!


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